Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Conversion of St. Paul

Today is the birthday of a lady who could have been appropriately named Paula, after the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, which we also celebrate today.  

Saul of Tarsus was on the road to Damascus with marching orders to persecute Christians.  The graphic story of his falling from his horse is so well known that it does not do much to tell it again.  Conversion is just an event.  Sanctity is a lifetime activity.

He assumed the name Paul after his conversion, and spent the rest of his life as an apostle of Christ.  His first mission was with Barnabas, going on board to Cyprus, crossing the island from east to west following the southern coast.  The second mission was to Antioch, where his companion was Silas, another Roman citizen like himself.  A third mission was to Ephesus where Aquila and Priscilla were waiting.

St. Paul’s many references to the life and teachings of Christ suggests that he knew so much even if he was not present during the public life of Jesus.  Truly, the road to Damascus is much more than St. Paul  falling from his horse.

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